Who We Are

We Exist To Protect, is at the core of who we are. Since our inception in 2004, we have gone the extra mile for clients and in our work because we know that our clients are the foundation of H2Safety. We look forward to another successful 20 years together. Let’s build a safer tomorrow.

James Harasen, H2Safety CEO & Chairman

A split image showing a pipeline running through a green mountainous landscape on the left and a clear blue sky over lush greenery on the right.
A construction worker in an orange safety vest and helmet adjusts his ear protection on a construction site to ensure compliance with "Who We Are" safety standards.
Aerial view of a long road cutting through a lush, green environment with meandering rivers and distant mountains under a clear sky.

Since 2004, H2Safety has partnered with our clients to develop Emergency Management Programs that provide value over and above compliance standards. Every program we develop is completely custom and designed to fit your company, your culture, and your needs. We are industry leaders and innovators, and we are changing the way people respond to emergencies.

Our key services include everything you need to prepare, respond, and recover from an emergency. We form a long-term partnership with your company and provide the tools, technology and ongoing support systems you need to manage emergencies with confidence.
Workers in orange and yellow safety gear observe an offshore oil rig in turbulent ocean waters from a platform.

Modified Description: Engineers in orange and yellow safety gear inspect an offshore oil rig in turbulent ocean waters from

H2Safety is based in Calgary, Alberta, but our services extend to clients around the world. We provide Emergency Management Programs, HSE services, and Software Solutions to clients in any industry from Energy, Mining, Airports, Government, Rural Municipalities, and more. Our custom Emergency Management Programs protect the public, workers, the environment, and your reputation.

A white and red emergency response management helicopter landing in a mountainous area with two people kneeling nearby amidst evergreen trees.

Our Vision

To be the preferred supplier of Emergency Response Management, HSE and Software Services.

Our Mission

To deliver exceptional service and a quality product at a competitive price.


H2Safety has prioritized your safety for over 20 years. You can count on us to support your Emergency Response Management and Development through excellent customer service and innovative software applications.

Contact us today to get started!


Years of Experience


Industries We Protect


Satisfied Clients